Forest Camping
A small clearing within the on site lightly forested grounds, “Bluebell Meadow”, can facilitate small group camping for 8 – 12 young people. A camping pod for leaders and a tepee for group work are provided. This small natural camping site has proven to be very popular with groups wishing to access the Mourne Mountain range for their Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition practice weekends and final expedition assessments offering easy walking access to the Mournes from the site.
Youth Group Camping (future development)
The Trust is presently developing a secure youth camping facility within the walled garden area located on site north west of Ardaluin House. Subject to securing grant funding the proposed grassed camping area would accommodation groups of up to 60 young people.
Camp Fire and BBQ 
A camp fire for outdoor cooking is provided within the forested site as a shared facility for youth groups using both the residential and camping accommodations.
Alternatively, a paved patio area with picnic style benches and tables is located on the south facing garden supported by a gas BBQ that can be reserved and hired for social events.